Sunday, June 15, 2008

Getting ready for Minneapolis

The evolution meetings in Minneapolis start late this week. For me the meeting will start on Friday, with the Ontology workshop. I'll be giving a 20 minute talk on taxonomy ontologies. The workshop has been booked full for several months now. I am also associated with three posters: one from a comparative methods in R workshop I attended last December, another one from Phenoscape, which gives an update on the TTO, TAO and where we are headed with Phenote and the new workflow, and finally my single author poster on the behavior work. Part of this will be explaining the difference between annotating publications and behavior videos, and part will be an update, not so much on OwlWatcher, but a preliminary discussion of a toy implementation of the EthOntos-Lite alignment module. There is, as of today, running code, but I haven't given it anything more an a couple of trivial examples, which it seems to handle correctly. It would have been nice to have something I could feed OwlWatcher projects into, but that will have to wait - I've still got lots on my plate, despite a productive weekend.

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